My name is Hamdi, I'm 29 year-old, from Indonesia, located in a small town called Garut, I am a rock climber and also illustrator, I make drawings about climbing because I love climbing and also want to try to visualize rock climbing moments in a different form.WHY DO YOU CLIMB?
In 2013 there is not much climber on my town, I think it would be cool if I became a rock climber hahaha, because rock climbing in here it's just like a special sport, not every people can afford to do that, and basically I'm an outdoor person (love to hike, camping, mountain biking, hunting, etc.), and when I try rock climbing on the first time, I just fall in love with it, and that makes me sure, I have to be here! on this sport.
- Establishing a new climbing route in my town since 2015 and till now
- Contributed to the climbing world with make and illustration about it, universal belay standard (American Alpine Club), safe climbing (sikker klatring - Geir evensen - Norway), basic climbing (Saudi Climbing Federation).
- Finished my trad route project at Batu patapaan 2017.
This is lil bit hard to answer, because I think every climbing moment is always good hahah. I think this is one of my most memorable climb for me - in 2015 my friend and I do a multi pitch climbing at Batu tumpang crag, on the first pitch (30 meter from the ground), we decide to chill, so I installed hammock for us to chill on the first pitch. The other end of the hammock I placed it to the hanger with binner, and the other one I tie to whatever I find on the pitch, roots and branch, and I did it.
After almost 20 minutes we chill and and talk about philosophical things (lol) on it, when I try to move, I just tear apart the hammock, and we both fall hanging about 5 feet from the anchor. We're quiet for a moment, and then we laughed, lucky we're tied to anchor and doesn't fall to the ground, after that without any long conversation, we climb straight to the top without resting on the second and third pitch haha.
My current project is to try again aid climb Batu bongkok with my friend from Bandung, it's a virgin crag, no one ever try to climb it to the top, so we try to do that, after failed attempt on the last year, we try to storming that big wall again soon after the end of the rainy season. My other goal is want collaborate with other climbers all over the world, it's always fun and gives me new knowledge about climbing.
My current project is to try again aid climb Batu bongkok with my friend from Bandung, it's a virgin crag, no one ever try to climb it to the top, so we try to do that, after failed attempt on the last year, we try to storming that big wall again soon after the end of the rainy season. My other goal is want collaborate with other climbers all over the world, it's always fun and gives me new knowledge about climbing.
Always open your mind to new knowledge of climbing technique and training, look for other sources and choose the one that suits you. Also, take a few falls, it will give you the courage to do another badass climbing.
Instagram: @climb.draw