In recent years, consumer awareness regarding the social and environmental impacts of the fashion industry has significantly grown. People are becoming more conscious about the origin and production process of their clothing. As a result, the demand for ethically-made apparel has surged, and one prominent option that stands out is certified fair trade apparel
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From packaging materials to garment protection, the online apparel industry has contributed to the mounting plastic crisis.
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Staying true to the "Clip or Whip" shirt he was wearing at the time, Corey narrowly avoids a ground while attempting to onsite "Body Blow" (24) in the Blue Mountains, Australia. Don't let this video put you off as the...
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Learning how to tie a rethreaded bowline knot can save you from the frustrating experience of trying to untie a tight figure 8 with pumped out arms. The beauty of this knot or any other bowline knot is that you can take large and/or repeated falls with it and it will always remain easy to undo at the end of your session.
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It is very easy to become overwhelmed with the world in it's current state... but it's not all bad news.
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